Dear Parents and Students,
The teachers and staff here at Elgin High School are looking forward to the beginning of the new school year; we believe the experience that your student will have here during their time at Elgin High School will be one to remember. We want to encourage you to visit our website at www.elginps.org, as well as our Facebook Page,
Elgin High School Home of the Owls, to keep up with upcoming events and to stay in touch with the things that are happening at EHS.
All high school students need to report to the high school gym at 8:20 on the first day of school. Instructions for the rest of the day will be given at this time. All student drivers need to park in the student parking lots. All student drivers need proof of insurance and a valid driver’s license to be eligible to park on campus.
We have had a great summer and are expecting a great school year. I hope that this upcoming school year will be a rewarding experience for the students and their parents.