Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Students will be required to complete 23 units of credit in order to graduate from Elgin High School. One semester equals 1/2 unit of credit. Senate Bill 982 was passed by the Oklahoma Legislature and signed into law by Governor Henry on June 7, 2005. The law requires all incoming ninth grade students to complete the college preparatory curriculum in SB 982, unless the student’s parent or legal guardian approves the student to enroll in the existing state high school graduation requirements. Successful completion of either curriculum will result in accomplishment of a standard diploma. Students must be within one credit of completing his/her graduation requirements to participate in the graduation ceremonies.

Students who start ninth grade prior to or during the 2016-2017 school year will be required to complete an assessment in order to graduate with a standard diploma.  The assessment required will be one that is required or has been required by the Oklahoma School Testing Program or an alternate assessment as approved by the superintendent.  The highest-achieved score on the assessment and any business or industry-recognized endorsements attained will be reflected on the student's transcript.

Graduation Requirements:

4 units – English.

3 units – Math (limited to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Algebra III/Trigonometry, Advanced Placement Calculus or any mathematics course with content and/or rigor above Algebra I and approved for college admissions requirements).

3 units – Lab Science.
3 units – Social Studies (must complete 1 unit of American History, .5 unit of Oklahoma History, 1 unit of World History and .5 unit of Government). *Government can be taken as dual credit at Cameron University.
2 units – Foreign Language/Computer Technology* (must complete two units of the same foreign language or two units of computer programming, hardware, business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and graphics, excluding keyboarding or typing courses. Approved for college admission requirements whether taught at a high school or a technology
center school.)
1 unit - Additional Unit - 1 Unit of a course selected from the areas of English, math, science, history, foreign language, or computer technology.
1 unit - Fine Arts – One credit selected from a fine arts course
6 units – Electives – Selected from courses listed above, additional electives, or career and technology education courses approved for college admission requirements.